Transform Your Anxiety into Calm Confidence:

Tailored 1:1 Coaching for Overwhelmed Women

Welcome to a journey of transformation, led by Gemma James – The Anxiety Mindset Coach.

If you're a woman who's tired of feeling overwhelmed, anxious, and stuck in a cycle of stress, this is your invitation to break free.

As someone who has personally battled anxiety and depression, I understand the weight you carry. But I also know that within you lies the power to regain control, find your confidence, and live life on your terms.

This is your opportunity to partner with a certified, trauma-informed coach and EFT practitioner who has walked the walk, guiding you toward a future of calm, confidence, and true empowerment.

Do you find yourself trapped in a whirlwind of overwhelm and anxiety, unsure of how to break free?

You're not alone.

As a Anxiety Mindset Coach, my mission is to be the support I wished I had during my own challenging journey. I've been where you are – feeling lost, anxious, and frustrated – and I've emerged stronger.

Together, we'll embark on a personalised 1:1 coaching experience tailored to your unique needs.

From Overwhelm to Empowerment

Picture a life where anxiety no longer holds the reins, where you step confidently into each day with a sense of control.

Imagine overcoming procrastination and feeling productive, rather than stuck.

As we work together, you'll learn practical strategies and techniques to navigate through your anxiety, replacing it with a newfound calmness that radiates confidence.

Your Compassionate Guide

I'm not just a coach – I'm your ally on this transformative journey. With firsthand experience battling anxiety and depression, I bring empathy and understanding to every session. My friendly, bubbly personality creates a safe space where you can be yourself and openly share your challenges. My superpower lies in having walked the walk, allowing me to guide you through the twists and turns of your own anxiety story.

A Tailored Approach for Lasting Change

Cookie-cutter solutions won't cut it. That's why our 1:1 coaching is personalised to your specific needs. We'll dive deep into your pain points – feeling overwhelmed, lost, and anxious – and create a roadmap for lasting change. Using proven techniques like Emotional Freedom Techniques (EFT), we'll address the root causes of your anxiety and equip you with practical tools to conquer your fears.

Unveil Your Radiant Future.

Let's paint a picture of the future you deserve.

In your dream life, you wake up each morning feeling calm, confident, and in control. Anxiety no longer dictates your choices; you're the author of your story. Through our coaching journey, you'll develop the skills to manage stress, make empowered decisions, and experience the joy of pursuing your passions without hesitation.

Breaking the Generational Chain

You long to break the cycle of generational trauma and create a legacy of resilience and strength. It isn't just about transforming your life – it's about creating a ripple effect that positively impacts generations to come.

Embrace the Journey

Your current reality – feeling anxious, lost, and stuck – is not your permanent destination. Together, we'll map out a journey towards the life you deserve. I'll be by your side, providing unwavering support and guidance every step of the way. Together, we'll replace overwhelm with empowerment and pave the way for a future of lasting calm and confidence.

Are you ready to step out of the shadows of anxiety and into the light of empowerment? Take the first step toward a calmer, more confident you.

Book your tailored 1:1 coaching sessions today and unlock a future filled with empowerment and control.

  • I am a massive advocate for counselling, and I think it is an incredible way of exploring your past in depth, getting to know the deeper part of yourself and great for processing trauma. Coaching is excellent for propelling forward. We do delve into the past and into triggers and traumas, but at a lighter level. Coaching tends to be over a shorter time span than counselling and is more practical in its approach. I like to think of counselling as working on the past and coaching as working on your future. Both are powerful in their own right and even more so when combined.

  • I offer individual sessions or blocks of 5. There’s no quick answer to this as everyone is unique and the coaching I offer is tailored to YOU and your circumstances. Some people find that 5 is enough, some start with 5 and have weekly sessions then go onto bi weekly or even monthly. Some just dip in and out with the odd session here and there when they need.

  • Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT), also known as "tapping," is a holistic therapeutic approach that combines elements of traditional Chinese medicine and modern psychology. It involves gently tapping on specific acupressure points on the body while focusing on emotional or physical issues. This process aims to release blocked energy, alleviate negative emotions, and promote healing. By addressing disruptions in the body's energy system, EFT can help reduce stress, anxiety, pain, and other emotional and physical symptoms, ultimately fostering a sense of emotional well-being and balance.

  • That is totally up to YOU! I am here to support you, hold space for you and help guide you, but ultimately, it’s YOU that has to put in the work. If you are ready to work on yourself and to dedicate time, then you’ll find yourself feeling better and moving towards the life you want to live.

Invest in Your Calm Confidence Today

Escape overwhelm and anxiety, embrace calm confidence – transform from lost to in control, with tailored 1:1 coaching.

If you are fed up of feeling overwhelmed, stuck, stressed out and anxious and are ready to put the work in release yourself from these cycles and live the life YOU want then let’s get started.

1:1 Coaching from £60